The origins of Valentine’s Day has long been anyone’s guess between several Christian martyrs named Valentine. Although there are three recognized “Saint Valentine’s” in different eras, each with their own legend, the Catholic Church took St. Valentine off the Roman Catholic calender of saints in 1969. (Will the real St. Valentine Please Stand Up!) NO WONDER MEN ARE CONFUSED WHAT TO GET US! This is clearly a celebrated “confusion holiday” not a holiday of Love and Romance!
While Valentine greetings have been popular since the Middle Ages, men were even confused then! King Henry V had to hire a writer to compose a Valentine to Catherine of Valois and needless to say, printed cards soon replaced the handwritten notes, because of the bewilderment of the Valentine. Today, an estimated billion
Valentines cards are exchanged and more than 15 million e-valentines and “love coupons”. Yes, LOVE COUPONS! I got my own “Love Groupon”! THEY ARE STILL CONFUSED!
I think I need some chocolate.